Strawberry Moonshine Recipe – Easy & Flavorful

Benefits of Using Strawberries

Strawberries are not just a treat for the palate; they’re a powerhouse of flavor, making them an ideal candidate for infusing spirits. These berries bring a natural sweetness, a vibrant color, and a refreshing acidity that can elevate the simplest of spirits into a delightful strawberry moonshine. The key to capturing the essence of strawberries in your infusion lies in selecting ripe, juicy berries that are bright red all the way to the tip, ensuring the most intense flavor possible. Strawberries are rich in natural sugars and aromatic compounds, which dissolve into the alcohol, creating a beautifully balanced and irresistibly fragrant beverage. For those interested in exploring other fruit-infused spirits, our Grape Moonshine Recipe offers another delicious way to enjoy the bounty of nature’s flavors.

Ingredients and Equipment Required

Sealed jars of homemade strawberry moonshine


  • 1 pound fresh strawberries, hulled and halved: The star of the show, imparting a sweet, tangy flavor.
  • 1 cup granulated sugar: Adds sweetness and helps extract the juice and flavor from the strawberries.
  • 1 cup water: Used to create a syrup with the sugar, enhancing the strawberries’ natural flavors.
  • 1 cup vodka: A neutral spirit that absorbs the strawberry essence.
  • 1 cup white rum: Adds complexity and a slightly sweet undertone to the moonshine.
  • Mason jars or glass bottles with lids: For storing and aging the moonshine.


  • Medium saucepan: For simmering the strawberries and creating the syrup.
  • Blender: To puree the cooked strawberries, ensuring a smooth infusion.
  • Fine-mesh sieve: For straining the strawberry mixture, removing any solids.
  • Large bowl or pitcher: To mix the infusion before bottling.
  • Funnel (optional): Helps with pouring the moonshine into bottles or jars without spilling.

Gathering your ingredients and equipment before starting the process ensures a smooth and enjoyable experience. As you venture into making your strawberry moonshine, consider exploring other delightful infusions and cocktail recipes, like the Lemon Meringue Martini, for more inspiration on using homemade spirits in creative ways.

Next, we’ll walk through the step-by-step process of making your strawberry moonshine, from preparing the strawberry syrup to the final bottling.

Step-by-Step Strawberry Moonshine Recipe

Making strawberry moonshine is a delightful process that combines the art of infusion with the joy of crafting a unique homemade spirit. Here’s how to bring this delicious concoction to life:

1. Prepare the Strawberry Syrup:
  • In a medium saucepan, combine the fresh strawberries, granulated sugar, and water. This mixture will form the base of your infusion, drawing out the natural flavors and sweetness of the strawberries.
2. Simmer the Mixture:
  • Bring the mixture to a gentle simmer over medium heat, stirring occasionally. The heat will help dissolve the sugar and soften the strawberries, releasing their vibrant flavor and color into the syrup.
3. Cool and Blend:
  • Once the strawberries have softened and the sugar has dissolved, remove the saucepan from the heat. Let the mixture cool to room temperature, preserving the delicate flavors. Transfer the cooled mixture to a blender and blend until smooth, creating a puree.
4. Strain the Mixture:
  • Using a fine-mesh sieve, strain the strawberry puree into a large bowl or pitcher, removing the pulp and seeds. This step ensures your moonshine will have a smooth, enjoyable texture.
5. Add the Spirits:
  • Stir in the vodka and white rum into the strained strawberry liquid. These spirits will absorb the essence of the strawberry syrup, transforming it into your moonshine.
6. Bottle Your Moonshine:
  • Carefully pour the strawberry moonshine into clean mason jars or glass bottles, leaving a little space at the top. Seal the containers tightly with their lids to preserve the flavors and allow them to meld.
7. Store and Age:
  • Place your sealed moonshine in a cool, dark place for at least 24 hours. This aging process will allow the flavors to deepen and meld, creating a more cohesive and rounded taste.
8. Enjoy:
  • After aging, give the jars or bottles a gentle shake to ensure the flavors are well combined. Serve your strawberry moonshine over ice, or use it as a base for cocktails. For an inspired cocktail idea, the Drunken Snowman Cocktail Guide offers a fun and festive way to enjoy your homemade spirits.
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Sealed jars of homemade strawberry moonshine

Strawberry Moonshine Recipe – Easy & Flavorful

  • Author: Alex Morgan


Experience the sweet taste of summer with this homemade Strawberry Moonshine! Infused with ripe strawberries and a touch of sweetness, it’s the perfect beverage to enjoy on warm evenings or to share with friends at your next gathering.


  • 1 pound fresh strawberries, hulled and halved: The star of the show, imparting a sweet, tangy flavor.
  • 1 cup granulated sugar: Adds sweetness and helps extract the juice and flavor from the strawberries.
  • 1 cup water: Used to create a syrup with the sugar, enhancing the strawberries’ natural flavors.
  • 1 cup vodka: A neutral spirit that absorbs the strawberry essence.
  • 1 cup white rum: Adds complexity and a slightly sweet undertone to the moonshine.
  • Mason jars or glass bottles with lids: For storing and aging the moonshine.


1. Prepare the Strawberry Syrup:

  • In a medium saucepan, combine the fresh strawberries, granulated sugar, and water. This mixture will form the base of your infusion, drawing out the natural flavors and sweetness of the strawberries.

2. Simmer the Mixture:

  • Bring the mixture to a gentle simmer over medium heat, stirring occasionally. The heat will help dissolve the sugar and soften the strawberries, releasing their vibrant flavor and color into the syrup.

3. Cool and Blend:

  • Once the strawberries have softened and the sugar has dissolved, remove the saucepan from the heat. Let the mixture cool to room temperature, preserving the delicate flavors. Transfer the cooled mixture to a blender and blend until smooth, creating a puree.

4. Strain the Mixture:

  • Using a fine-mesh sieve, strain the strawberry puree into a large bowl or pitcher, removing the pulp and seeds. This step ensures your moonshine will have a smooth, enjoyable texture.

5. Add the Spirits:

  • Stir in the vodka and white rum into the strained strawberry liquid. These spirits will absorb the essence of the strawberry syrup, transforming it into your moonshine.

6. Bottle Your Moonshine:

  • Carefully pour the strawberry moonshine into clean mason jars or glass bottles, leaving a little space at the top. Seal the containers tightly with their lids to preserve the flavors and allow them to meld.

7. Store and Age:

  • Place your sealed moonshine in a cool, dark place for at least 24 hours. This aging process will allow the flavors to deepen and meld, creating a more cohesive and rounded taste.

8. Enjoy:

  • After aging, give the jars or bottles a gentle shake to ensure the flavors are well combined. Serve your strawberry moonshine over ice, or use it as a base for cocktails.


  • Quality Ingredients: Always use high-quality, fresh ingredients to avoid spoilage and ensure the best flavor.
  • Proper Storage: Store your moonshine in a cool, dark place to prevent degradation from light and temperature fluctuations.

Safety Tips for Home Infusing

While infusing spirits at home is a safer alternative to distilling, it’s still important to follow safety guidelines:

  • Use Clean Equipment: Ensure all your equipment is thoroughly cleaned and sanitized to prevent contamination.
  • Quality Ingredients: Always use high-quality, fresh ingredients to avoid spoilage and ensure the best flavor.
  • Proper Storage: Store your moonshine in a cool, dark place to prevent degradation from light and temperature fluctuations.

Crafting strawberry moonshine at home offers a rewarding way to explore the art of infusion, creating a delicious spirit that captures the essence of summer. Remember to enjoy responsibly and share the fruits of your labor with friends and family, who are sure to be impressed with your homemade creation.

Aging and Flavoring Tips

Once you’ve crafted your strawberry moonshine, the journey to perfecting its flavor profile doesn’t end. Aging and flavoring can further enhance your moonshine, making it a truly premium homemade spirit.


  • Although our recipe involves infusing rather than distilling, allowing your strawberry moonshine to sit for a period can improve its taste. The longer the moonshine rests, the more harmonious and mellow the flavors become. A cool, dark place is ideal for aging, with a recommended period of 1 to 4 weeks to allow the strawberry essence to meld beautifully with the vodka and rum.


  • Beyond strawberries, consider adding other complementary flavors during the infusing process. Vanilla beans, fresh mint, or even a cinnamon stick can add complexity and depth to your moonshine. Introduce these additional flavorings sparingly, and taste frequently to achieve the perfect balance.

Creative Serving Suggestions

Your homemade strawberry moonshine is versatile and can be enjoyed in numerous delightful ways:

  • Straight Up: Chill your moonshine in the refrigerator and serve it straight in a shot glass or sipping glass to savor the pure, infused strawberry flavor.
  • Moonshine Cocktails: Use your strawberry moonshine as the base for refreshing cocktails. Mix it with lemonade, sparkling water, or tonic for a fizzy, summer drink. Garnishing with fresh strawberries or a lemon twist can add an extra touch of elegance.
  • Dessert Companion: Drizzle a small amount of strawberry moonshine over ice cream or fresh fruit for an adult dessert that enhances the natural sweetness of your treats.
  • Gift Idea: Bottle your moonshine in decorative jars, add a custom label, and give them as thoughtful, handcrafted gifts to friends and family. Pairing a bottle with a recipe card for a moonshine cocktail can make your gift even more special.

Storage and Preservation

To ensure your strawberry moonshine maintains its freshness and vibrant flavor, proper storage is key:

  • Airtight Containers: Use mason jars or bottles with tight-sealing lids to keep air out and preserve the flavor.
  • Cool, Dark Location: Store your moonshine away from direct sunlight and heat sources, as these can degrade the quality and taste over time.
  • Shelf Life: While infused moonshines don’t spoil easily due to their alcohol content, consuming them within six months to a year ensures you’ll enjoy them at their best.

Creating strawberry moonshine at home is a delightful project that combines simple ingredients to produce a spirit bursting with the essence of fresh strawberries. By following these steps, tips, and creative serving suggestions, you can enjoy the sweet taste of summer in every sip. Whether shared among friends or savored quietly on a warm evening, your homemade strawberry moonshine is sure to be a hit. For more inspiration on crafting delicious, infused spirits and cocktails, explore our Lemon Meringue Martini recipe for another way to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

History of Moonshine

Moonshine, historically known as a clandestinely produced, unaged whiskey, has roots deeply embedded in American culture, especially in the Appalachian region. Originally, the term “moonshine” referred to any illegal home-distilled alcohol made under the moon’s cover to avoid excise taxes or outright bans. However, the allure of moonshine isn’t just its rebellious history; it’s also a testament to the ingenuity and resilience of those who sought to preserve their heritage and self-sufficiency through the craft of distillation. While traditional moonshine is distilled from corn mash, modern enthusiasts and craft distillers have embraced the art of infusing moonshine with various fruits, including strawberries, to create flavorful, artisanal spirits.

Legal Considerations

It’s important to note that the distillation of alcohol without a permit is illegal in the United States, primarily due to safety concerns and taxation. However, creating fruit-infused spirits like strawberry “moonshine” using commercially available spirits, such as vodka and white rum, as described in our recipe, is a legal and safe alternative. This method allows enthusiasts to experiment with moonshine’s flavorful and cultural aspects without engaging in the distillation process. Always ensure that any home brewing or infusing activities comply with local laws and regulations.

The next section will guide you through selecting the best strawberries for your infusion, ensuring a vibrant flavor that captures the essence of summer.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Crafting homemade strawberry moonshine is a straightforward process, but sometimes you may encounter challenges. Here are solutions to common issues to ensure your moonshine turns out perfectly:

  • Mixture Not Infusing Properly: Ensure your strawberries are fully submerged in the spirit for the flavors to meld effectively. If the flavor seems weak, extend the infusion time or add more fresh strawberries.
  • Cloudy Appearance: A cloudy appearance after straining can occur due to tiny particles passing through the sieve. For a clearer moonshine, strain the mixture through a cheesecloth or coffee filter.
  • Too Sweet or Not Sweet Enough: Adjust the sweetness by adding more sugar if it’s not sweet enough or diluting with additional vodka or rum if it’s too sweet. Remember, adjustments will affect the alcohol content.
  • Unwanted Fermentation: If your moonshine starts to ferment, indicated by bubbling or a yeasty smell, it may be due to residual yeast on the fruit or in the environment. Ensure all equipment is sterilized before starting, and store the moonshine in a cool, dark place.


  • Can I use frozen strawberries for this recipe? Yes, frozen strawberries can be used, especially when fresh ones are out of season. Thaw them before use to ensure the flavors infuse properly.
  • How long can I store my strawberry moonshine? When stored properly in a cool, dark place, your strawberry moonshine can last up to a year. However, for the best flavor experience, consider consuming it within six months.
  • Is it possible to over-infuse the moonshine with strawberries? Over-infusing can lead to overly strong fruit flavors and potentially a bitter aftertaste. To avoid this, taste your moonshine regularly during the infusion process and remove the strawberries when the desired flavor intensity is achieved.
  • Can I use this recipe with other fruits? Absolutely! This recipe is versatile and can be adapted to use with other fruits like peaches, raspberries, or blueberries, following the same basic steps for a variety of delicious infusions.


Creating your own strawberry moonshine is a rewarding endeavor that combines the simplicity of fresh ingredients with the satisfaction of crafting a unique, flavorful spirit. By following the detailed steps and tips provided, you’ll be able to enjoy the essence of summer encapsulated in a bottle of homemade moonshine. Whether enjoying it on its own, as part of a cocktail, or sharing it as a gift, strawberry moonshine offers a delightful taste experience that captures the heart of home distillation and infusion. Continue exploring the world of homemade spirits and cocktails to expand your repertoire and delight your senses. For more inspiration, don’t forget to visit RecipeStrip for a wide range of recipes and ideas.

With a little patience and creativity, each batch of moonshine can become a signature blend that reflects your personal taste and the joyful essence of crafting spirits at home. Cheers to your success in making strawberry moonshine, a sweet sip of summer any time of the year!

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