How to Make Long Island Iced Coffee: Easy and Delicious Recipe

The Ultimate Guide to Making Long Island Iced Coffee


Long Island Iced Coffee is a delightful and boozy twist on the classic Long Island Iced Tea, catering to coffee lovers who enjoy a little kick with their caffeine. While Long Island Iced Tea is known for its potent mix of various spirits with cola, the iced coffee version swaps the cola for cold brew coffee and Irish cream liqueur, creating a rich and indulgent beverage perfect for any occasion. This drink is not only an excellent after-dinner treat but also a great way to liven up brunch gatherings or casual get-togethers.

Ingredients and Equipment


To make a traditional Long Island Iced Coffee, you’ll need the following ingredients:

  1. Baileys Irish Cream – This creamy liqueur adds a velvety texture and a hint of sweetness to the drink.
  2. Coffee Liqueur (e.g., Kahlua) – This liqueur enhances the coffee flavor while adding depth and richness.
  3. Vodka – Adds a neutral spirit that balances the drink’s flavors.
  4. White Rum – Offers a light and crisp taste, enhancing the overall complexity.
  5. Tequila – Adds a slight bite and distinctive aroma to the mix.
  6. Cold Brew Coffee or Iced Coffee – Provides the refreshing coffee base for the drink.


To make Long Island Iced Coffee, you’ll need some basic bartending tools:

  1. Cocktail Shaker – Essential for mixing the ingredients thoroughly and achieving a well-blended drink.
  2. Strainer – Used to pour the drink into the glass while holding back any ice or unwanted particles.
  3. Highball Glass – The ideal glass for serving this drink, providing enough space for the beverage and ice.

In the next sections, we’ll dive into the step-by-step recipe instructions and discuss how to make cold brew coffee, both homemade and store-bought options. This will guide readers through the entire process, ensuring they have a delicious and refreshing Long Island Iced Coffee ready to serve.

Step-by-Step Recipe for Long Island Iced Coffee

Making Long Island Iced Coffee is straightforward but requires precision to balance the flavors perfectly. Here’s how to create this delicious cocktail:

1. Prepare Your Ingredients

Gather all your ingredients. Make sure your cold brew coffee is chilled and you have plenty of ice ready.

2. Mixing the Drink

  1. Add Ingredients
    Pour 1 oz of Baileys, 1 oz of Kahlua, 1 oz of Tequila, and 1 oz of Vodka into the shaker.
  2. Shake
    Shake well until the mixture is thoroughly chilled.
  3. Strain and Serve
    Strain the mixture into a glass filled with ice.
  4. Add Whipping Cream
    Slowly pour 2 oz of whipping cream over the top of the drink.
  5. Mix and Garnish
    Stir gently to combine, and garnish with a coffee bean or a sprinkle of cocoa powder, if desired.
  6. Enjoy
    Enjoy responsibly and savor the rich flavors of this Long Island Iced Coffee!
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Long Island Iced Coffee in a glass

How to Make Long Island Iced Coffee: Easy and Delicious Recipe

  • Author: alexmorgan


  • 1 oz Baileys
  • 1 oz Kahlua
  • 1 oz Tequila
  • 1 oz Vodka
  • 2 oz Whipping cream


  • Prepare the Shaker
    Fill a cocktail shaker with ice cubes.
  • Add Ingredients
    Pour 1 oz of Baileys, 1 oz of Kahlua, 1 oz of Tequila, and 1 oz of Vodka into the shaker.
  • Shake
    Shake well until the mixture is thoroughly chilled.
  • Strain and Serve
    Strain the mixture into a glass filled with ice.
  • Add Whipping Cream
    Slowly pour 2 oz of whipping cream over the top of the drink.
  • Mix and Garnish
    Stir gently to combine, and garnish with a coffee bean or a sprinkle of cocoa powder, if desired.
  • Enjoy
    Enjoy responsibly and savor the rich flavors of this Long Island Iced Coffee!

3. Serving

Strain the mixture into a highball glass filled with fresh ice. The drink should be frothy and well-chilled, perfect for serving immediately.

For those interested in a deeper dive into making cocktails, consider exploring more recipes on our site, such as Sex on the Beach or Pineapple Martini, to expand your mixology skills.

How to Make Cold Brew Coffee

Cold brew coffee is a must for this recipe, known for its smooth, rich flavor that blends perfectly with the alcohol without the bitterness that some coffees provide.

1. Homemade Cold Brew

To make cold brew at home:

  • Coarsely grind about 1 cup of coffee beans for a milder coffee, or increase the amount for a stronger brew.
  • Place the grounds in a large jar or pitcher and add 4 cups of cold water.
  • Stir the mixture gently to ensure all grounds are wet.
  • Cover and let steep for 12-24 hours at room temperature.
  • Strain the coffee through a fine-mesh sieve, then again through a coffee filter to remove all grounds.
  • Store in the refrigerator until ready to use. It can be kept for up to two weeks.

2. Store-Bought Options

If making cold brew at home seems too time-consuming, numerous high-quality pre-made options are available at grocery stores. Brands like Califia Farms offer excellent ready-to-drink cold brews that can save time and still deliver great flavor.

For additional information on making cold brew coffee, including tips and tricks for the perfect batch, check out our comprehensive guide here.

Variations and Customizations

One of the best things about Long Island Iced Coffee is its versatility. You can easily customize the drink to suit your preferences or experiment with different flavors and ingredients.

1. Flavored Liqueurs

Add a twist to the classic recipe by using flavored liqueurs. For example, try using a flavored vodka like vanilla or caramel to enhance the coffee’s richness. Similarly, flavored rums, such as coconut or spiced rum, can add an interesting depth of flavor.

2. Different Alcohols

The beauty of this cocktail is that it can accommodate a variety of spirits. If you prefer a lighter drink, you can reduce the amount of alcohol or substitute one of the spirits with a less potent option, like amaretto.

3. Non-Alcoholic Version

To create a non-alcoholic version of Long Island Iced Coffee, simply omit the alcohol and replace it with coffee-flavored syrups or extracts. You can also mix in a non-alcoholic Irish cream-flavored syrup to mimic the drink’s classic flavors without the booze.

Tips and Tricks for the Perfect Long Island Iced Coffee

1. Balancing the Flavors

Long Island Iced Coffee has a lot of different flavors at play. To balance these flavors, ensure that each spirit is measured accurately. Using a jigger or a tablespoon to measure the alcohol ensures that no single spirit overpowers the others.

2. Choosing the Right Coffee

The type of coffee you use significantly affects the final flavor of the drink. Opt for a smooth, less acidic cold brew or iced coffee to avoid clashing flavors. If you prefer a more robust coffee flavor, you can use a stronger brew, but be mindful of how it interacts with the other ingredients.

3. Avoiding Common Mistakes

One common mistake when making this drink is not shaking it properly. The cocktail should be shaken vigorously to mix the ingredients thoroughly and create a frothy texture. Additionally, avoid using stale or old coffee, as this can make the drink taste bitter and unpleasant.

In addition to Long Island Iced Coffee, you might want to explore other refreshing cocktails like Pineapple Coconut Margarita or Grapefruit Ginger Spiced Rum Punch for more inspiration.

Nutrition Information

Understanding the nutritional content of Long Island Iced Coffee can help you manage your intake or adjust the recipe to meet your dietary needs.

1. Caloric Content and Serving Size

Long Island Iced Coffee typically contains around 190-220 calories per serving, depending on the ingredients used. The drink is often enjoyed as an indulgent treat due to its rich and creamy nature, so be mindful of the serving size if you’re watching your calorie intake.

2. Making the Drink Healthier

To reduce the calorie count, consider using a low-calorie coffee liqueur or substituting the Irish cream liqueur with a lighter option. You can also opt for a sugar-free or unsweetened cold brew coffee to decrease the sugar content.

Pairing and Serving Ideas

Long Island Iced Coffee pairs well with a variety of foods and occasions, making it a versatile addition to your entertaining repertoire.

1. Food Pairings

  • Desserts: The coffee and liqueurs in Long Island Iced Coffee make it a great companion to rich desserts like chocolate cake or tiramisu.
  • Breakfast: Serve this drink as part of a boozy brunch, pairing it with pancakes, waffles, or French toast for a decadent morning treat.

2. Occasions and Times to Serve

  • After-Dinner Drink: Long Island Iced Coffee is perfect as an after-dinner drink, especially during festive gatherings or celebrations.
  • Casual Get-Togethers: This cocktail is also great for casual gatherings with friends, offering a fun and indulgent beverage that’s sure to impress.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How strong is Long Island Iced Coffee?

The drink contains around 1⅔ shots of alcohol, making it relatively strong. Drinkers should enjoy it responsibly, especially since the coffee flavor can mask the strength of the alcohol.

2. Can I prepare Long Island Iced Coffee in advance?

It’s best to prepare and serve the drink fresh. However, you can pre-mix the alcohols and keep the mixture in the refrigerator for up to a day. When ready to serve, add the cold brew coffee and shake it with ice.

3. How do I customize the sweetness of Long Island Iced Coffee?

To adjust the sweetness, you can vary the amount of coffee liqueur or Irish cream used. For a sweeter drink, add more of these ingredients, and for a less sweet drink, reduce their quantities.


Long Island Iced Coffee is a versatile and delightful drink that can be enjoyed in various settings. Whether you’re hosting a brunch, looking for an after-dinner treat, or simply want to indulge in a luxurious coffee cocktail, this drink offers the perfect balance of flavors and a refreshing twist on the classic Long Island Iced Tea. With the detailed recipe and tips provided, you can create your own delicious version and explore creative variations to suit your preferences.


1. How strong is Long Island Iced Coffee?
Long Island Iced Coffee is typically quite strong because it contains multiple types of alcohol. On average, it contains around 1⅔ shots, making it potent while maintaining a refreshing flavor.

2. How do you make cold brew coffee for Long Island Iced Coffee?
Cold brew coffee can be made at home or purchased. To make it at home, steep coarsely ground coffee in cold water for at least 12 hours, then strain. Store-bought cold brew coffee is also a convenient option.

3. What can I serve with Long Island Iced Coffee?
This drink pairs well with a variety of foods, especially desserts and breakfast items. Rich desserts like chocolate cake or breakfast favorites like pancakes and waffles complement the flavors of this cocktail.

4. How can I adjust the sweetness of Long Island Iced Coffee?
To adjust the sweetness, you can vary the amount of coffee liqueur or Irish cream. Adding more of these ingredients will increase the sweetness, while reducing their quantities will make the drink less sweet.

5. Is there a non-alcoholic version of Long Island Iced Coffee?
Yes, you can make a non-alcoholic version by omitting the alcohol and using coffee-flavored syrups or extracts to mimic the classic flavors. Non-alcoholic Irish cream-flavored syrups are also available for added richness.

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