Detroit Blue Lagoon Cocktail Recipe

Detroit (aka Blue Lagoon): A Refreshing Summer Cocktail


The Detroit, also known as Blue Lagoon, is a vibrant and refreshing cocktail that combines the flavors of vodka, Blue Curaçao, lemonade, and lemon-lime soda to create a drink that’s perfect for summer. Its bright blue hue makes it a visually appealing beverage that’s popular at parties and gatherings. The cocktail’s name, Blue Lagoon, is inspired by its tropical appearance and refreshing taste, reminiscent of the famous natural hot spring in Iceland.

This cocktail has gained popularity for its balance of sweet and citrusy flavors, making it a favorite among those who enjoy light and refreshing alcoholic beverages. It’s a perfect drink for poolside relaxation or as a highlight at any festive occasion.

Ingredients and Equipment

To make the Detroit (aka Blue Lagoon), you’ll need a few key ingredients and some essential equipment to prepare and serve the drink.


  1. 1 oz Tito’s vodka – The base spirit for the cocktail, providing a smooth and clean flavor.
  2. 0.5 oz Blue Curaçao – A blue-colored orange-flavored liqueur that gives the cocktail its vibrant color.
  3. 1/2 cup lemonade – Adds a sweet and tart flavor, balancing the drink.
  4. 1/2 cup Sprite or similar lemon-lime soda – Provides fizz and a hint of lemon-lime flavor.


  1. Cocktail Shaker – Essential for mixing the ingredients and achieving a well-blended drink.
  2. Strainer – Used to pour the drink into the glass while holding back the ice.
  3. Glass – Typically served in a highball glass, which provides enough space for the drink and ice.

In the following sections, we’ll delve into the step-by-step recipe and the flavor profile of the Detroit (aka Blue Lagoon), guiding readers through the process of creating this refreshing and visually stunning cocktail.

Step-by-Step Recipe for Detroit (aka Blue Lagoon)

Here’s a detailed guide on how to make this refreshing cocktail:

1. Prepare the Shaker

Start by filling a cocktail shaker with ice cubes.

2. Add the Ingredients

Add 1 oz of Tito’s vodka and 0.5 oz of Blue Curaçao to the shaker. Then, pour in 1/2 cup of lemonade and 1/2 cup of Sprite or similar lemon-lime soda.

3. Shake Well

Secure the lid on the shaker and shake vigorously until the mixture is chilled. This typically takes about 10-15 seconds.

4. Strain and Serve

Strain the mixture into a glass filled with fresh ice. A highball glass works best for this cocktail, providing enough space for the drink and the ice.

5. Garnish

For a finishing touch, garnish the drink with a lemon slice or a cherry, if desired. This adds a pop of color and enhances the presentation.

6. Enjoy

Now, your Detroit (aka Blue Lagoon) cocktail is ready to enjoy. It’s a perfect drink for summer or any festive occasion.

If you’re interested in exploring other unique cocktail recipes, you might like to check out Sex on the Beach Cocktail or Blue Hawaiian Punch on the RecipeStrip website.

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Detroit (Blue Lagoon) cocktail in a highball glass

Detroit Blue Lagoon Cocktail Recipe

  • Author: alexmorgan



1 oz Tito’s vodka
0.5 oz Blue Curaçao
1/2 cup lemonade
1/2 cup Sprite (or similar lemon-lime soda)


1. Prepare the Shaker

Start by filling a cocktail shaker with ice cubes.

2. Add the Ingredients

Add 1 oz of Tito’s vodka and 0.5 oz of Blue Curaçao to the shaker. Then, pour in 1/2 cup of lemonade and 1/2 cup of Sprite or similar lemon-lime soda.

3. Shake Well

Secure the lid on the shaker and shake vigorously until the mixture is chilled. This typically takes about 10-15 seconds.

4. Strain and Serve

Strain the mixture into a glass filled with fresh ice. A highball glass works best for this cocktail, providing enough space for the drink and the ice.

5. Garnish

For a finishing touch, garnish the drink with a lemon slice or a cherry, if desired. This adds a pop of color and enhances the presentation.

6. Enjoy

Now, your Detroit (aka Blue Lagoon) cocktail is ready to enjoy. It’s a perfect drink for summer or any festive occasion.

Flavor Profile and Characteristics

1. Taste and Aroma

Detroit (aka Blue Lagoon) is known for its bright and citrusy flavor profile. The vodka provides a smooth base, while the Blue Curaçao adds a slight bitterness and sweet orange flavor. The lemonade and Sprite contribute to the drink’s refreshing and tangy character, making it a perfect cocktail for warm weather.

2. Alcohol Content and Potency

This cocktail typically has a moderate alcohol content due to the presence of vodka and Blue Curaçao. The lemonade and Sprite balance the drink’s potency, making it easy to enjoy without being overwhelming.

Next, we’ll explore variations and customizations of the Detroit (aka Blue Lagoon) cocktail, along with tips and tricks for perfecting the drink.

Variations and Customizations

The Detroit (aka Blue Lagoon) cocktail can be customized in various ways to suit different preferences. Here are some ideas:

1. Alternative Flavors

You can experiment with different flavors by using flavored vodka, such as lemon or raspberry, to add a unique twist to the drink. Additionally, using flavored lemon-lime sodas, like cherry or lime, can alter the taste profile subtly.

2. Non-Alcoholic Version

To make a non-alcoholic version, simply omit the vodka and use a non-alcoholic Blue Curaçao syrup. This mocktail can be a hit at gatherings where some guests prefer to avoid alcohol but still want to enjoy a refreshing beverage.

Tips and Tricks for the Perfect Blue Lagoon

1. Balancing the Flavors

To balance the drink’s flavors, be mindful of the lemonade’s sweetness. If the lemonade is too sweet, it might overpower the drink. Consider using a tart or unsweetened lemonade for a more balanced taste.

2. Garnishing and Presentation

Garnishing with a lemon slice or cherry adds visual appeal and enhances the drink’s presentation. Serve the cocktail in a highball glass with plenty of ice for a refreshing and appealing look.

For more creative cocktail ideas, check out Watermelon Moonshine or Pineapple Martini on the RecipeStrip website.

Nutrition Information

Detroit (Blue Lagoon) cocktail in a highball glass

1. Caloric Content and Serving Size

The Detroit (aka Blue Lagoon) cocktail typically contains around 150-200 calories per serving, depending on the ingredients used. It’s a light and refreshing drink, perfect for those looking to indulge moderately.

2. Making the Drink Healthier

To make this cocktail healthier, consider using a low-calorie lemonade or a sugar-free lemon-lime soda. These substitutions can significantly reduce the drink’s sugar content without sacrificing flavor.

Next, we’ll explore pairing and serving ideas, followed by frequently asked questions about the Detroit (aka Blue Lagoon) cocktail.

Pairing and Serving Ideas

1. Food Pairings

The Detroit (aka Blue Lagoon) cocktail pairs well with various foods, especially light and refreshing dishes:

  • Seafood: The bright and citrusy flavors of the cocktail complement seafood dishes like shrimp, crab cakes, or grilled fish.
  • Salads: Fresh salads with citrus-based dressings also pair well with this cocktail, enhancing the overall refreshing experience.

2. Best Occasions to Serve

This cocktail is ideal for summer gatherings, pool parties, or casual get-togethers. Its vibrant color and refreshing taste make it a great choice for outdoor events or festive occasions.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I make the cocktail more or less sweet?

To adjust the sweetness, modify the amount of Blue Curaçao and lemonade. Adding more Blue Curaçao will increase the sweetness, while using a less sweet lemonade will reduce it.

2. Can I prepare the Detroit (aka Blue Lagoon) cocktail in advance?

It’s best to prepare and serve this cocktail fresh. However, you can mix the ingredients ahead of time and refrigerate the mixture for up to a few hours. When ready to serve, shake it with ice.

3. What’s the best way to serve Detroit (aka Blue Lagoon)?

Serve this cocktail in a highball glass filled with ice. Garnishing with a lemon slice or cherry enhances its visual appeal.


The Detroit (aka Blue Lagoon) cocktail is a vibrant and refreshing drink that’s perfect for any occasion. With its sweet and citrusy flavor profile and bright blue hue, it’s sure to impress guests at your next gathering. By following this comprehensive guide, you can create a delicious and visually appealing cocktail that suits your tastes and preferences.

For more refreshing cocktail recipes, be sure to explore for a variety of unique and creative drink ideas.


1. What gives the Detroit (aka Blue Lagoon) its signature blue color?
The vibrant blue color of the Detroit (aka Blue Lagoon) cocktail comes from Blue Curaçao, an orange-flavored liqueur that is naturally bright blue. It adds both color and a unique flavor to the drink.

2. Can I make a non-alcoholic version of this cocktail?
Yes, you can easily make a non-alcoholic version of the Detroit (aka Blue Lagoon) by omitting the vodka and using a non-alcoholic Blue Curaçao syrup. This mocktail provides a refreshing option for those who prefer not to consume alcohol.

3. What type of glass should I use for serving the Detroit (aka Blue Lagoon)?
A highball glass is typically the best choice for serving the Detroit (aka Blue Lagoon). This glass provides enough space for the drink, ice, and garnishes, making it perfect for this type of cocktail.

4. How sweet is the Detroit (aka Blue Lagoon) cocktail?
The Detroit (aka Blue Lagoon) has a bright and citrusy flavor, balanced by the sweetness of the Blue Curaçao and lemonade. You can adjust the sweetness by varying the amount of Blue Curaçao or using a less sweet lemonade.

5. What kind of garnish goes well with the Detroit (aka Blue Lagoon)?
The cocktail pairs well with garnishes like a lemon slice, a cherry, or a twist of lemon peel. These garnishes not only add visual appeal but also complement the drink’s flavor profile.

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