Cranberry Vodka Lemonade Slush: A Refreshing Summer Cocktail

How to Make the Perfect Cranberry Vodka Lemonade Slush


The Cranberry Vodka Lemonade Slush is a refreshing and tangy cocktail perfect for hot summer days or festive gatherings. This drink combines the tartness of cranberries, the zing of lemon, and the smooth kick of vodka, all blended into a delightful slush. In this post, we’ll guide you through the steps to create this delicious beverage, provide tips for making it even better, and explore variations to suit different tastes.

Table of Contents

  1. Ingredients and Equipment
  2. Step-by-Step Instructions
  3. Tips for the Perfect Slush
  4. Variations and Additions
  5. Serving Suggestions
  6. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Ingredients and Equipment

To make Cranberry Vodka Lemonade Slush, you will need the following ingredients and equipment:


  • 2 cups cranberry juice
  • 1 cup vodka
  • 1 cup lemonade
  • 1/2 cup fresh lemon juice
  • 1/2 cup simple syrup (optional, for added sweetness)
  • Ice cubes
  • Fresh cranberries and lemon slices (for garnish)


  • Blender
  • Measuring cups
  • Citrus juicer
  • Tall glasses
  • Mixing spoon

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Prepare the Ingredients

Start by gathering all your ingredients. Ensure you have fresh lemon juice for the best flavor. If you prefer a sweeter drink, prepare simple syrup by dissolving equal parts sugar and water in a saucepan over medium heat, then let it cool.

2. Blend the Base

In your blender, combine the cranberry juice, vodka, lemonade, fresh lemon juice, and a handful of ice cubes. If you like your slush on the sweeter side, add the simple syrup to taste. Blend until smooth.

3. Add More Ice

To achieve the perfect slush consistency, add more ice cubes gradually while blending. Continue until you reach a thick, slushy texture. Taste and adjust the sweetness or tartness by adding more simple syrup or lemon juice as needed.

4. Serve and Garnish

Pour the slush into tall glasses. Garnish with fresh cranberries and lemon slices for a festive touch. Serve immediately and enjoy!

Tips for the Perfect Slush

  • Adjusting Consistency: If your slush is too thick, add a bit more cranberry juice or lemonade. If it’s too thin, blend in more ice cubes.
  • Sweetness Levels: Adjust the sweetness to your liking by adding simple syrup or reducing the amount of lemon juice.
  • Chilling Ingredients: For an even colder slush, chill your ingredients in the refrigerator before blending.
  • Alcohol-Free Version: Substitute the vodka with an equal amount of cranberry juice or lemonade for a non-alcoholic version.
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Cranberry Vodka Lemonade Slush: A Refreshing Summer Cocktail

Cranberry Vodka Lemonade Slush: A Refreshing Summer Cocktail

  • Author: Alex Morgan


  • 2 cups cranberry juice
  • 1 cup vodka
  • 1 cup lemonade
  • 1/2 cup fresh lemon juice
  • 1/2 cup simple syrup (optional, for added sweetness)
  • Ice cubes
  • Fresh cranberries and lemon slices (for garnish)


Start by gathering all your ingredients. Ensure you have fresh lemon juice for the best flavor. If you prefer a sweeter drink, prepare simple syrup by dissolving equal parts sugar and water in a saucepan over medium heat, then let it cool.

2. Blend the Base

In your blender, combine the cranberry juice, vodka, lemonade, fresh lemon juice, and a handful of ice cubes. If you like your slush on the sweeter side, add the simple syrup to taste. Blend until smooth.

3. Add More Ice

To achieve the perfect slush consistency, add more ice cubes gradually while blending. Continue until you reach a thick, slushy texture. Taste and adjust the sweetness or tartness by adding more simple syrup or lemon juice as needed.

4. Serve and Garnish

Pour the slush into tall glasses. Garnish with fresh cranberries and lemon slices for a festive touch. Serve immediately and enjoy!

Variations and Additions

1. Cranberry Lime Vodka Slush

Replace the lemon juice with lime juice and add a splash of soda water for a fizzy twist. Garnish with lime slices and mint leaves.

2. Mixed Berry Vodka Slush

Add a mix of frozen berries (such as raspberries, blueberries, and strawberries) to the blender for a berry-filled version. Adjust the sweetness as needed.

3. Sparkling Cranberry Vodka Slush

Top your slush with a splash of sparkling water or prosecco for an extra bubbly and refreshing drink. This variation is perfect for celebrations.

Serving Suggestions

Cranberry Vodka Lemonade Slush is versatile and can be served in various settings:

  • Summer BBQs: Serve in mason jars for a casual, rustic look.
  • Holiday Parties: Use festive glasses and garnish with rosemary sprigs for a holiday touch.
  • Poolside: Serve in insulated tumblers to keep your slush cold under the sun.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Can I make this drink ahead of time?

Yes, you can prepare the slush base ahead of time and store it in the freezer. Just blend it again before serving to refresh the texture.

2. What type of vodka should I use?

Use a good quality vodka for the best taste. Flavored vodkas, such as citrus or cranberry, can also add an extra layer of flavor.

3. Can I use store-bought lemonade?

Yes, store-bought lemonade works well, but fresh homemade lemonade will give a brighter, more natural flavor.

4. How do I make simple syrup?

Simple syrup is made by dissolving equal parts sugar and water over medium heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Let it cool before using.

5. Can I make this drink without alcohol?

Absolutely! Substitute the vodka with more cranberry juice or lemonade for a delicious non-alcoholic version.


The Cranberry Vodka Lemonade Slush is a delightful drink that’s easy to make and perfect for any occasion. With its refreshing taste and beautiful presentation, it’s sure to be a hit with your guests. Experiment with the variations and serving suggestions to make this drink your own. Enjoy the tangy, sweet, and smooth flavors of this perfect summer cocktail!

For additional tips on making the perfect slush, you might find these resources helpful:

Feel free to explore these websites for more inspiration and variations on slush recipes.

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