Raspberry Vodka Collins Recipe: A Refreshing Summer Cocktail

Refreshing Raspberry Vodka Collins: Your Perfect Summer Cocktail


The Raspberry Vodka Collins is a vibrant and refreshing cocktail that epitomizes the spirit of summer. This delightful drink combines the crispness of vodka with the sweet tartness of raspberries, topped off with a splash of soda water for a refreshing fizz. It’s a popular choice among those who appreciate a fruit-infused cocktail that’s both flavorful and not too heavy. Ideal for sipping by the pool, enjoying at a garden party, or relaxing on a sunny porch, the Raspberry Vodka Collins offers a perfect blend of flavor and sophistication that can elevate any occasion.

Ingredients List

To whip up a delicious Raspberry Vodka Collins, you will need the following ingredients:

  1. Vodka (2 oz) – The base spirit; provides a clean, smooth foundation.
  2. Fresh Raspberries (1/4 cup) – For muddling into the mix and garnishing; adds a fresh, fruity flavor.
  3. Lemon Juice (1 oz) – Adds a bright, citrusy tang.
  4. Simple Syrup (1 oz) – Sweetens the cocktail to balance the acidity of the lemon.
  5. Club Soda – To top off the drink; adds effervescence.
  6. Ice – For shaking and serving; chills the drink.
  7. Optional Garnishes – Additional raspberries or a lemon twist for an elegant presentation.

Each ingredient in this list plays a crucial role in creating the harmonious blend of flavors characteristic of the Raspberry Vodka Collins. The simplicity of the ingredients list makes this cocktail not only delicious but also easy to prepare, ensuring that even amateur mixologists can impress their guests with a professional-quality beverage.

Equipment Needed

To create the perfect Raspberry Vodka Collins, having the right equipment is essential. Here’s what you’ll need:

  1. Cocktail Shaker – For combining the vodka, lemon juice, simple syrup, and raspberries with ice, ensuring a well-mixed cocktail.
  2. Muddler – Used to gently mash the raspberries in the shaker to release their juice and flavor.
  3. Fine Mesh Strainer – Helps to strain out raspberry seeds and pulp for a smooth drink.
  4. Collins Glass – A tall glass that is traditional for serving a Collins cocktail, allowing room for the fizzy topping.
  5. Bar Spoon – For stirring the cocktail after adding the club soda to mix without losing carbonation.
  6. Jigger – Ensures accurate measurement of the spirits and other ingredients to maintain the balance of flavors.

Having these tools at hand will streamline the process and enhance the overall experience of crafting this delightful cocktail.

Step-by-Step Mixing Guide

Follow these detailed steps to mix up a refreshing Raspberry Vodka Collins:

1. Prepare the Ingredients

Gather all ingredients and equipment. Place a handful of ice cubes into the cocktail shaker.

2. Muddle the Raspberries

Add the fresh raspberries to the shaker and gently muddle them with the muddler to release their juices and flavor.

3. Combine the Liquid Ingredients

Pour 2 oz of vodka, 1 oz of lemon juice, and 1 oz of simple syrup into the shaker with the muddled raspberries.

4. Shake the Cocktail

Secure the lid of the shaker and shake vigorously for about 15 seconds to combine all the ingredients well.

5. Strain and Serve

Strain the mixture through a fine mesh strainer into a Collins glass filled with fresh ice, ensuring a smooth texture without seeds or pulp.

6. Top with Club Soda

Gently top the strained cocktail with club soda, filling the glass to just below the rim. Stir gently with a bar spoon to integrate while preserving the fizz.

7. Garnish and Enjoy

Garnish with a few fresh raspberries or a lemon twist. Serve immediately and enjoy the refreshing taste of your Raspberry Vodka Collins.

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Raspberry Vodka Collins ready to serve

Raspberry Vodka Collins Recipe: A Refreshing Summer Cocktail

  • Author: alexmorgan


  1. Vodka (2 oz)
  2. Fresh Raspberries (1/4 cup)
  3. Lemon Juice (1 oz)
  4. Simple Syrup (1 oz)
  5. Club Soda
  6. Ice
  7. Optional Garnishes – Additional raspberries or a lemon twist for an elegant presentation.


Step-by-Step Mixing Guide

Follow these detailed steps to mix up a refreshing Raspberry Vodka Collins:

1. Prepare the Ingredients

Gather all ingredients and equipment. Place a handful of ice cubes into the cocktail shaker.

2. Muddle the Raspberries

Add the fresh raspberries to the shaker and gently muddle them with the muddler to release their juices and flavor.

3. Combine the Liquid Ingredients

Pour 2 oz of vodka, 1 oz of lemon juice, and 1 oz of simple syrup into the shaker with the muddled raspberries.

4. Shake the Cocktail

Secure the lid of the shaker and shake vigorously for about 15 seconds to combine all the ingredients well.

5. Strain and Serve

Strain the mixture through a fine mesh strainer into a Collins glass filled with fresh ice, ensuring a smooth texture without seeds or pulp.

6. Top with Club Soda

Gently top the strained cocktail with club soda, filling the glass to just below the rim. Stir gently with a bar spoon to integrate while preserving the fizz.

7. Garnish and Enjoy

Garnish with a few fresh raspberries or a lemon twist. Serve immediately and enjoy the refreshing taste of your Raspberry Vodka Collins.

Flavor Profile and Characteristics

Taste and Aroma

The Raspberry Vodka Collins offers a refreshing and light flavor profile, making it an ideal choice for warm weather sipping. The natural sweetness and slight tartness of fresh raspberries blend beautifully with the crispness of vodka and the zesty lemon juice, creating a harmonious taste. The effervescence of club soda adds a bubbly texture that enhances the overall sensory experience, making each sip lively and invigorating.

Nutritional Information

As a cocktail, the Raspberry Vodka Collins can be enjoyed in moderation within a balanced diet. For those mindful of sugar intake, adjusting the amount of simple syrup or substituting it with a sugar-free alternative can be an effective way to reduce calories without sacrificing flavor.

Variations and Customizations

Experimenting with Ingredients

While the classic Raspberry Vodka Collins is delightful, experimenting with different ingredients can personalize the drink:

  • Substitute the Vodka: Try using gin for a botanical twist or light rum for a slightly sweeter profile.
  • Play with the Syrup: Incorporate flavored syrups like elderflower or mint for a unique twist.

Non-Alcoholic Version

Create a non-alcoholic version of this cocktail by substituting vodka with a non-alcoholic spirit or additional club soda. Use raspberry cordial in place of raspberry liqueur to maintain the fruity flavor without the alcohol.

Serving Suggestions

Raspberry Vodka Collins ready to serve

Garnishes and Presentation

Enhance your Raspberry Vodka Collins by garnishing with fresh raspberries, a sprig of mint, or a twist of lemon peel. Serve in a tall Collins glass to showcase its appealing color and carbonation.


This cocktail is perfect for spring and summer gatherings, from casual barbecues to elegant garden parties. Its refreshing nature also makes it suitable for bridal showers and other celebratory occasions where a light, refreshing beverage is desired.

For those interested in exploring more unique vodka-based cocktails, check out the Pineapple Martini recipe on RecipeStrip.com.

For additional cocktail recipes and tips, consider visiting Wikipedia’s cocktail page for a comprehensive look at various cocktails, including their histories and cultural significances.

Making Large Batches

Preparation for Events

When preparing Raspberry Vodka Collins for a larger crowd, it’s essential to scale the ingredients proportionally while maintaining the balance of flavors:

  1. Bulk Mixing: Combine the vodka, raspberry liqueur, lemon juice, and simple syrup in a large pitcher or drink dispenser. Adjust the quantities based on the number of guests.
  2. Adding Soda: Do not add club soda to the bulk mixture ahead of time as it will lose its fizz. Instead, pour it fresh over ice in each glass just before serving.
  3. Garnishing in Bulk: Prepare garnishes in advance by slicing lemons and rinsing fresh raspberries. Store them in the refrigerator to keep them fresh until it’s time to serve.

Tips for Large-Scale Serving

  • Ice: Always use fresh ice when serving to avoid dilution from pre-melted ice.
  • Station Setup: Set up a self-serve station with clear labels for each component, allowing guests to make their drinks according to their taste.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can I make my Raspberry Vodka Collins less sweet?

To reduce sweetness, decrease the amount of simple syrup or substitute it with a sugar-free alternative. Increasing the lemon juice slightly can also help balance the sweetness with more acidity.

2. Can Raspberry Vodka Collins be made in advance?

While the base mixture (excluding club soda) can be prepared in advance and refrigerated, it’s best to add soda just before serving to preserve the carbonation and ensure the best taste and texture.

3. What are some creative ways to garnish Raspberry Vodka Collins?

Apart from traditional lemon twists and raspberries, consider adding edible flowers, fresh mint, or a skewer of mixed berries to make the presentation more vibrant and appealing.

4. Is there a way to make Raspberry Vodka Collins for a fall or winter event?

Yes! Adapt the recipe for cooler months by using seasonal fruits such as cranberries or pomegranates. Spices like cinnamon or star anise can be infused into the syrup to add a warming note.

5. What is a Vodka Collins?

A Vodka Collins is a type of mixed drink typically made from vodka, lemon juice, sugar, and carbonated water. It is known for its refreshing and sour taste.

6. Can I use frozen raspberries instead of fresh in the Raspberry Vodka Collins?

Yes, while fresh raspberries are preferred for their flavor and texture, frozen raspberries can be used as a substitute. They may alter the texture slightly but will still provide a delightful raspberry flavor.

7. How do I make the homemade sweet and sour mix for cocktails?

Homemade sweet and sour mix can be made by boiling equal parts sugar and water until the sugar dissolves, then adding fresh lemon and lime juice. This mix is often fresher and less artificial than store-bought versions, enhancing the flavor of your cocktails.

8. How can I adjust the recipe for a large batch of Raspberry Vodka Collins?

To make a large batch, scale up the ingredients proportionally and mix them in a large pitcher. Add all the ingredients except the club soda, which should be added fresh when serving to preserve its fizz.


Raspberry Vodka Collins is not just a cocktail; it’s a versatile and delightful beverage that can be adapted for any occasion. Whether you’re hosting a large event or enjoying a quiet night in, this drink offers a perfect blend of freshness, zest, and festivity. By following the tips and variations provided, you can ensure that your Raspberry Vodka Collins is always a hit.

For further exploration of delicious cocktail recipes and tips, visit RecipeStrip.com or check out a variety of cocktail ideas and recipes on authoritative sites like Wikipedia’s cocktail page.

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