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Finished Watermelon Moonshine in mason jars.

Watermelon Moonshine Recipe: How to Make It at Home

  • Author: Alex Morgan


  • 6 cups of watermelon, freshly diced. Opt for ripe, juicy watermelons for a sweeter, more flavorful moonshine.
  • 2 cups granulated sugar to enhance the natural sweetness of the watermelon.
  • 1 gallon of water as the base for your infusion, ensuring a smooth blend.
  • 1 liter of grain alcohol (such as Everclear) to give your moonshine its potent kick. Remember, the higher the proof, the stronger your moonshine.


  1. Prep Your Watermelon: Begin by dicing your watermelon into small chunks, ensuring they’re seedless to avoid any bitterness in your moonshine.
  2. Mix & Simmer: In a large pot, combine watermelon chunks with granulated sugar and water. Bring to a simmer, allowing the sugar to dissolve fully and the watermelon to infuse the liquid with its flavor.
  3. Cool & Infuse: Allow the mixture to cool to room temperature before adding the grain alcohol. This step is crucial to prevent the alcohol from evaporating.
  4. Jar & Store: Transfer the mixture into sterilized mason jars, sealing them tightly. Store in a cool, dark place for at least two weeks, letting the flavors meld together.
  5. Enjoy: Serve your Watermelon Moonshine chilled for a refreshing summer treat.