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Spicy Paloma Punch

Spicy Paloma Punch: A Bold and Refreshing Cocktail

  • Author: Alex Morgan


Essential Ingredients: To make the perfect Spicy Paloma Punch, you will need:

  • Tequila: 1 cup (preferably blanco)
  • Grapefruit Juice: 2 cups (freshly squeezed if possible)
  • Lime Juice: 1/2 cup (freshly squeezed)
  • Simple Syrup: 1/2 cup (adjust to taste)
  • Club Soda: 2 cups
  • Jalapeños: 2-3 slices (adjust based on heat preference)
  • Ice: For serving
  • Salt: For rimming the glasses (optional)
  • Grapefruit Slices: For garnish
  • Lime Wedges: For garnish

Optional Ingredients for Variations:

  • Agave Syrup: As a substitute for simple syrup
  • Chili Powder: For extra spice
  • Mint Leaves: For a refreshing twist


Preparation: Start by preparing your ingredients. Slice the jalapeños and set aside. Chill your pitcher and glasses in the refrigerator.


  1. In a large pitcher, combine:
    • 1 cup tequila
    • 2 cups grapefruit juice
    • 1/2 cup lime juice
    • 1/2 cup simple syrup
  2. Stir well to mix the ingredients.

Adding Spice: 3. Add 2-3 slices of jalapeño to the mixture. Let it infuse for about 10 minutes, then taste and adjust the spice level by adding more jalapeño if desired.

Serving: 4. Rim your highball glasses with salt (optional). 5. Fill each glass with ice. 6. Pour the Spicy Paloma Punch mixture into each glass, filling about three-quarters full. 7. Top off each glass with club soda.

Garnishing: 8. Garnish with grapefruit slices and lime wedges.

Enjoying: 9. Serve immediately and enjoy the bold and refreshing flavors of your Spicy Paloma Punch.