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Blackberry Lemonade Margaritas

Blackberry Lemonade Margaritas: A Refreshing Summer Delight

  • Author: Alex Morgan


Essential Ingredients: To make the perfect Blackberry Lemonade Margaritas, you will need:

  • Tequila: 2 oz
  • Triple Sec or Cointreau: 1 oz
  • Blackberry Puree: 2 oz (fresh or store-bought)
  • Lemonade: 2 oz (freshly squeezed if possible)
  • Fresh Blackberries: For garnish
  • Lemon Slices: For garnish
  • Ice: For blending

Optional Ingredients for Variations:

  • Mint Leaves: For a refreshing herbal note
  • Simple Syrup: To adjust sweetness to taste
  • Club Soda: For a fizzy twist


Preparation: Start by preparing your ingredients. If you’re using fresh blackberries, puree them in the blender first and strain to remove seeds if desired. Prepare fresh lemonade or use store-bought.


  1. Fill a blender with ice.
  2. Add:
    • 2 oz tequila
    • 1 oz triple sec or Cointreau
    • 2 oz blackberry puree
    • 2 oz lemonade
  3. Blend until smooth and frosty.

Serving: 4. Rim your margarita glasses with sugar or salt (optional). 5. Pour the blended mixture into the prepared margarita glasses.

Garnishing: 6. Garnish with fresh blackberries and a lemon slice.

Enjoying: 7. Serve immediately and enjoy the refreshing and tangy flavors of your Blackberry Lemonade Margaritas.